There are several ways to earn money online, and many of them don’t require you to leave your house. This blog post will discuss a few of the best ways to earn money while working from home and also provide…
Top 10 Reasons To Work as a Digital Nomad
Being a digital nomad is not an easy lifestyle to live. You have to be willing and able to go anywhere in the world for work, which can sometimes prove difficult if you’re used to living in one place. However,…
Top 5 Reasons to Become a Digital Nomad
It’s no secret that the world is getting smaller and people are traveling more than ever before. With the advent of technology, it has never been easier to live in one place and work remotely from another. The term “digital…
How To Save Time And Money With A Capsule Wardrobe
The idea of a capsule wardrobe is not new. What’s new, however, is the number of people who are jumping on board the trend! A quick Google search will show that there are now hundreds if not thousands of blogs…
8 Tips for Packing Efficiently
In the digital age, we find ourselves on the go more than ever before. Whether we’re traveling for work or pleasure, staying efficient is key to staying on a schedule. However, it can be easy to slip up when you’re…
The Top 8 Destinations for Remote Workers
The world is getting smaller and the internet has made it possible for people to work anywhere in the world. Some of these remote workers have chosen to live in countries that are more affordable, others want to experience a…
How to Create A Movable Workspace as a Digital Nomad
You’re sitting at your desk, staring out the window and thinking of all the places you could be instead. You feel like you can’t breathe because it’s suffocating in here. It feels more like a prison than a place where…
How To Make Your Own Perfect Capsule Wardrobe
A capsule wardrobe is a collection of clothes and accessories that are limited to a certain number of outfits. This means less time spent shopping, more money saved, and the ability to shop with intention rather than impulse! There are…
How To Maintain a Balanced Lifestyle as a Digital Nomad
As a digital nomad, you’ll find yourself living in different places with different climates and cultures. Not to mention, the many hours of work you put in online from the comfort of your own home office. So how can you…