You’re sitting at your desk, staring out the window and thinking of all the places you could be instead. You feel like you can’t breathe because it’s suffocating in here. It feels more like a prison than a place where ideas are born…but that doesn’t have to be how things always go!
We want a life outside our four walls too – even if we don’t end up living there permanently. And when work starts feeling stale, or when we need a change for whatever reason? Now is the best time to rethink what life outside these four walls might look like.
But before you do anything else, consider this question: “In an ideal world, what would my home office look like?”
A home office as a digital nomad is an idea that has been popping up more and more lately. In today’s era of globalization, it’s difficult to find many people who still work from the same location for their entire careers. Technology has made it possible to have a career where you can be anywhere in the world – even if you don’t want to move away from your family or friends! It used to be that you could only really do this if you were self-employed or working remotely for someone else. But now there are so many new ways to find a job that lets you work remotely.
The benefits go both ways too: not only does having remote workers make companies more competitive by making their employees happier in the long run, but it also gives companies access to a wider pool of talent. And with more and more people working remotely on our screens, you can find plenty of resources for how to create your own home office as a digital nomad!
It’s so important to find a space that you enjoy spending time in. And if it’s not the place where your work gets done – or even just feels more tiring than productive – you might want to consider whether this is really the right spot for you! But before we get into all of those details and tips on how to create your own portable workspace, let’s review why having a mobile workstation can be such an amazing thing:
- It allows you to work from anywhere, so your office is truly portable.
- You’re able to make the environment more tailored for how you see yourself working best instead of being confined by a space that might not be suited for it.
- With this type of setup, there’s no limit on where else in the world you can go or what other opportunities await!
- And finally? You don’t have to spend time and money commuting every day because now all those hours spent sitting are getting put towards something productive – like finally being able to feel focused on your work!
Now let’s dive into some tips on how to create the perfect home office as a digital nomad:
- You don’t need a ton of space, but you want enough room for all your devices and supplies as well as an area where you can spread out with papers or have meetings if needed – this might be in one large corner of the house, or even just clear off an end table. If possible try to create separate spaces so people who live at home also get their fair share too!
- Keep it clutter free by removing physical items from the room that you don’t need, but also purging tech habits when working to avoid being distracted by social media or other things on the internet (this includes setting boundaries like turning notifications off). It’s best not to work in the same room where you do your other activities, like reading or watching TV.
- Make sure there’s ample light and air circulation. You might have tried making your own office nook before just so you could work without having to move any furniture around – this is great for getting away from distractions! But if it doesn’t get enough light or fresh air then you’ll be tired and irritable more quickly than usual. And with all those hours spent sitting down, a cramped area can lead to back pain too.
- Create a space that you associate with productivity and work. While many digital nomads won’t be buying furniture and redecorating their Airbnb or hostel every few months, you can still make it feel like a home office that’s conducive to working. A few things you might want to invest in are a lightweight laptop stand, keyboard and ergonomic mouse!
- Spend some time every day in this space where you work on your computer, whether by turning off notifications or setting a timer so you’re not distracted for too long at any given moment! This will help give the room more meaning and purpose – even if it’s just for one hour each day, then try adding an extra 30 minutes as well once you get used to spending extended periods of time here.
- Make sure there’s room for storage! You’ll want plenty of places to put away the things you need and so they’re not just getting in your way while trying to do other tasks, but also because we know how quickly our spaces can get cluttered when we don’t have a designated place.
- Don’t forget to have plenty of outlets available! You might not be able to carry around your office in your bag wherever you go – but that doesn’t mean you don’t need power. And if you can, it’s best to use surge protectors for your electronics so they aren’t affected by any spikes or surges in the electricity grid while working. Depending on where you are traveling, you may also need an adaptor to plug into the local power supply.
- Organize your workspace so you can be productive without being distracted. This means having enough space for all of your devices and supplies as well as a separate area where you can spread out with papers or have meetings if needed – this might be in one large corner of the house, or even just clear off an end table. If possible try to create separate spaces so people who live at home also get their fair share too!
- Get creative with storage solutions for the room when possible – such as using bookshelves or kitchen stacking drawers in order to free up more space on desks for work surfaces.
- And finally? Don’t forget to take breaks from sitting down! We know how necessary it is to have some moments where we’re standing upright rather than hunched forward over our computer screen all day long, whether this means taking a break every hour or so, or stacking bins/boxes to make a makeshift standing desk!
And if this sounds good but also confusing at the moment – it’s ok! The key is just starting with one thing that seems easy enough for now, whether it’s creating an office nook or clearing off an end table as mentioned earlier. From there expand outwards into what else would make sense according to your needs and how much time you have available each day. Give yourself permission to tweak things later too as needed; sometimes we can figure things out over time, and other times we need to take a step back for the sake of our mental health.
Be confident about what you do and how this will help people who are working remotely! It can seem difficult at first, but digital nomads find they have a lot of freedom without sacrificing their mental health or productivity levels once a routine settles in.
The key to maintaining productivity and focus in your home office as a digital nomad is creating an environment that fosters both. Of course, this will vary depending on what kind of work you do, but the most important thing is making sure it feels like somewhere where you can get things done, even if you’re just starting by clearing off a table or stacking boxes! With patience and creativity, any remote worker should be able to create their own version of a movable space.
As a digital nomad, you may be working remotely from different locations and spaces. You might not have the same office set up as other employees do – but that doesn’t mean it can’t work for you! In this blog post, we’ve given some suggestions on how to create your home office space as an effective place to work without sacrificing productivity or mental health.
Give yourself permission to tweak things later too as needed and don’t forget about taking breaks from time to time so that you’re not hunched over all day long in front of your computer screen. Be confident with what you are doing and remember that remote workers or digital nomads can maintain their productivity levels while experiencing freedom by living life on their own terms.
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